Common Questions About Debt-to-Income Ratios – Wells Fargo (2024)

In addition to your credit score, your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is an important part of your overall financial health. Calculating your DTI may help you determine how comfortable you are with your current debt, and also decide whether applying for credit is the right choice for you.

When you apply for credit, lenders evaluate your DTI to help determine the risk associated with you taking on another payment. Use the information below to calculate your own debt-to-income ratio and understand what it may mean to lenders.

Common Questions About Debt-to-Income Ratios

Why is debt-to-income important?

Lenders use the debt-to-income ratio as a way to measure your ability to manage the payments you make each month and repay the money you have borrowed.

What is the formula for calculating my debt-to-income ratio?

It is calculated by dividing your total recurring monthly debt by your gross monthly income(s) (monthly income(s) before taxes or other deductions).

What monthly payments are included in my debt-to-income ratio?

These are some examples of payments included in debt-to-income:

  • Monthly mortgage payments (or rent)
  • Monthly expense for real estate taxes
  • Monthly expense for home owner’s insurance
  • Monthly car payments
  • Monthly student loan payments
  • Minimum monthly credit card payments
  • Monthly time share payments
  • Monthly personal loan payments
  • Monthly child support payment
  • Monthly alimony payment
  • Any Co-Signed Loan monthly payments

Check with your lender if you are not sure about the items considered when calculating your debt-to-income ratio.

What payments should not be included in debt-to-income ratio?

The following payments should not be included:

  • Monthly utilities, like water, garbage, electricity or gas bills
  • Car Insurance expenses
  • Cable bills
  • Cell phone bills
  • Health Insurance costs
  • Groceries/food or entertainment expenses

Check with your lender if you are not sure about the items considered when calculating your debt-to-income ratio.

What payment do I use for my credit card debts, the minimum payment required or what I actually pay monthly?

Enter only the minimum monthly payment required each month.

What sources of income are considered?

Lenders consider the following sources of income:

  • Wages
  • Salaries
  • Tips and bonuses
  • Pension
  • Social Security
  • Child support and alimony
  • Any other additional income

How does my debt-to-income ratio affect my ability to get a loan?

Lenders calculate your DTI to determine the risk associated with you taking on an additional payment. A low debt-to-income ratio reflects a good balance between your income and debt.

What is considered a good debt-to-income ratio?

Lenders consider different ratios, depending on the size, purpose, and type of loan. Your particular ratio in addition to your overall monthly income and debt, and credit rating are weighed when you apply for a new credit account. Standards and guidelines vary, most lenders like to see a DTI below 35─36% but some mortgage lenders allow up to 43─45% DTI, with some FHA-insured loans allowing a 50% DTI. For more on Wells Fargo’s debt-to-income standards, learn what your debt-to-income ratio means.

Common Questions About Debt-to-Income Ratios – Wells Fargo (1)

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Common Questions About Debt-to-Income Ratios – Wells Fargo (2024)


Common Questions About Debt-to-Income Ratios – Wells Fargo? ›

Your particular ratio in addition to your overall monthly income and debt, and credit rating are weighed when you apply for a new credit account. Standards and guidelines vary, most lenders like to see a DTI below 35─36% but some mortgage lenders allow up to 43─45% DTI, with some FHA-insured loans allowing a 50% DTI.

What do banks want your debt-to-income ratio to be? ›

The debt-to-income (DTI) ratio measures the percentage of a person's monthly income that goes to debt payments. A DTI of 43% is typically the highest ratio a borrower can have and still get qualified for a mortgage, but lenders generally seek ratios of no more than 36%.

What is the most common debt-to-income ratio? ›

Your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is how much money you earn versus what you spend. It's calculated by dividing your monthly debts by your gross monthly income. Generally, it's a good idea to keep your DTI ratio below 43%, though 35% or less is considered “good.”

What is not included in debt-to-income ratio? ›

Many of your monthly bills aren't included in your debt-to-income ratio because they're not debts. These typically include common household expenses such as: Utilities (garbage, electricity, cell phone/landline, gas, water) Cable and internet.

Which of the following would be considered a healthy debt-to-income ratio? ›

Debt-to-income ratio of 36% or less

With a DTI ratio of 36% or less, you probably have a healthy amount of income each month to put towards investments or savings. Most lenders will see you as a safe bet to afford monthly payments for a new loan or line of credit.

What do lenders look for in debt-to-income ratio? ›

Your particular ratio in addition to your overall monthly income and debt, and credit rating are weighed when you apply for a new credit account. Standards and guidelines vary, most lenders like to see a DTI below 35─36% but some mortgage lenders allow up to 43─45% DTI, with some FHA-insured loans allowing a 50% DTI.

What do lenders consider debt-to-income ratio? ›

Your debt-to-income ratio, or DTI, is a percentage that tells lenders how much money you spend on monthly debt payments versus how much money you have coming into your household. You can calculate your DTI by adding your monthly minimum debt payments and dividing the total by your monthly pretax income.

What is the safest debt-to-income ratio? ›

Lenders, including anyone who might give you a mortgage or an auto loan, use DTI as a measure of creditworthiness. DTI is one factor that can help lenders decide whether you can repay the money you have borrowed or take on more debt. A good debt-to-income ratio is below 43%, and many lenders prefer 36% or below.

Which industry has the highest debt ratio? ›

The Highest Debt-To-Equity Ratios

Borrowed money is a bank's stock in trade. Banks borrow large amounts of money to loan out large amounts of money, and they typically operate with a high degree of financial leverage. D/E ratios higher than 2 are common for financial institutions.

What percent of income should pay debt? ›

Make sure that no more than 36% of monthly income goes toward debt. Financial institutions look at your debt-to-income ratio when considering whether to approve you for new products, like personal loans or mortgages.

How can I lower my debt-to-income ratio quickly? ›

You can consolidate debt by obtaining a personal loan and using those funds to pay off multiple loan payments, such as smaller loans and credit cards. The monthly payment of your debt consolidation loan will be lower than the cumulative amount of all of your old payments. Therefore, it will drop your DTI.

Does rent count towards DTI? ›

* Monthly rent payment is usually not included in DTI when applying for a home loan since it is assumed current rent will be replaced by future mortgage.

Why is debt-to-income ratio important? ›

Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is an important figure that reveals how much of your gross monthly income goes toward paying your debt. Lenders are more likely to approve you for a loan if your DTI is low.

What is true about a debt-to-income ratio? ›

Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is all your monthly debt payments divided by your gross monthly income. This number is one way lenders measure your ability to manage the monthly payments to repay the money you plan to borrow. Different loan products and lenders will have different DTI limits.

What is an example of a debt-to-income ratio? ›

For example, if your monthly debt equals $2,500 and your gross monthly income is $7,000, your DTI ratio is about 36 percent.

Can you get a mortgage with 55% DTI? ›

For FHA and VA loans, the DTI ratio limits are generally higher than those for conventional mortgages. For example, lenders may allow a DTI ratio of up to 55% for an FHA and VA mortgage.

What is the DTI limit for FHA in 2024? ›

Debt-to-Income Ratio Requirements

FHA guidelines call for borrowers to have a DTI ratio of 43% or less. They also indicate that a mortgage payment should not exceed 31% of a person's gross effective income. However, as with credit scores, lenders have some discretion here.

What is the debt ratio in banking? ›

The debt ratio is defined as the ratio of total debt to total assets, expressed as a decimal or percentage. It can be interpreted as the proportion of a company's assets that are financed by debt.

How much debt is acceptable when applying for a mortgage? ›

This includes cumulative debt payments, so think credit card payments, car payments, student loans, personal loans and any other debt you may have taken on. According to a breakdown from The Mortgage Reports, a good debt-to-income ratio is 43% or less.

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