Does Maxing out the Slot Machine Volume Hit the Jackpot? | Las Vegas Advisor (2024)


We've been watching YouTube with various persons playing slots at casinos. One of them claims that by maxing out the volume on the machine, you have an 8% better chance of hitting a big jackpot. Could that possibly impact the outcome? It is certainly annoying to be near persons who do that.

And at the bottom of the answer is the link to the new poll on getting vaccinated.


Yes, believe or it or not, maxing out the volume on a slot machine most certainly does give you a better chance of hitting a big jackpot, but only 3.75% better. We don't know whence the YouTuber came up with more than double the correct number.

Eight percent? Utterly ridiculous.

Also, you have to hit the volume button six times. First, you reset it down to the lowest volume. Then you go up one setting. Then you go back to the lowest setting and, as fast as you can, press the button three more times. It must be this exact combination and speed of button pushing. Otherwise, how is the machine to know that you're maxing out the volume in order to hit the jackpot and not just wanting the soundtrack to be as loud as it goes?

In addition, we have it on very good authority from a corroborating social influencer that this works only on weekdays, when the slot manager turns the screw to loosen the machine after tightening it up for the weekend, and only if the player is wearing a mask and the player at the machine just to the left isn't wearing one and is smoking a cigarette.

Also, two weeks or more must pass from the time that the last big jackpot was hit on that machine and not -- this is important -- by someone who'd manipulated the volume button. The previous jackpot had to be hit in the natural way.

Of course, we're being a bit facetious in the answer -- if you hadn't figured that out. (And yes, we know it's not April Fools' Day.)

Unless the machine is gaffed in such a way that the volume-control button has some impact on the random number generator, maxing out the volume on a slot machine has as little to do with hitting the jackpot as the rest of our "instructions."

But to give whatever "social influencer" made this claim the benefit of a big doubt, he or she might've been referring to the fact that on many slot machines (not all), playing max coin is the only way to qualify for the jackpot.

And here's your link to the new poll: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that's the question.

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Does Maxing out the Slot Machine Volume Hit the Jackpot? | Las Vegas Advisor (2024)
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