The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (2024)

The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (1)

These Summer bucket list ideas are the latest instalment in my growing collection of “ultimate bucket lists”.

Last year I compiled one for Spring, and another one for Christmas. I just can’t help myself – I find bucket lists SUCH a helpful way to face a season (or special occasion) head-on and get the most out of it. I’m a bit of a disorganized person, but there’s something very motivating about having a printed list in front of my face to keep me on-track.

It can be so easy to let a season pass you by, with things you were meaning to do, but never actually committed to doing. That’s why I need these Summer bucket list ideas, and why I’ll be printing out the list and sticking it on my fridge pronto!

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The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (2)

2019 Summer Bucket List

1. Make real lemonade

If you have a lemon tree, Summer should hopefully bring you a prolific harvest. We just sold our house with a beautiful lemon tree out back (sniff!) but you can bet I’ll be high-tailing it to the shops to pick some up. If you have any lemons left once you’ve squeezed lemonade to your heart’s content, check out our tips for using an excess of lemons and limes – it’s one of our most popular articles of all time!

2. Have your friends over for a BBQ

My favourite thing about Summer is the fact that the sun doesn’t go down until nearly 8pm! So much opportunity to be outside, making the most of the weather. Invite a couple of friends over for a super-chill weeknight BBQ, or gather a whole group on the weekend for a big BBQ night. So fun.

3. Take a lazy Sunday afternoon nap

…bonus points if you can do it in a hammock! Make the most of that balmy weather and just chill out for an afternoon. This should actually be on a LIFE bucket list, not just a Summer bucket list…

4. Smash the slides at the local water park

Gather some friends for some old-school fun, and hit up a water park. A few years ago I worked in the office at a water park and every Summer I yearned to be splashing around out there, rather than dealing with disgruntled season pass holders on the phone!

5. Lather your hair in coconut oil

The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (3)

Summer can be rough on your hair, so pay it some extra attention by treating it with coconut oil once a week. Coconut oil adds back moisture and replenishes the natural oils that can get stripped away in the Summer time. Any old supermarket coconut oil will do, or pick up this raw beauty-grade coconut oil on Amazon. For more ideas on taking care of your hair in the Summer, check out my healthy Summer hair tips.

6. Go strawberry picking

Pick a milder day, because it’s a surprisingly physically-exerting activity! But it’s a cheap and fun way to load your kitchen with farm-fresh strawberries. Mmmmm!

7. Visit the drive-in theatre or an outdoor cinema

Pack a picnic dinner and enjoy a classic movie under the stars. This is such a feel-good Summer bucket list activity!

8. Make chilli sauce

Chillis are in season! So if you’re a lover of all things spicy, try your hand at making your very own chilli sauce from scratch. We have an awesome recipe for ass-kickin’ chilli sauce right here (not for the faint of heart!).

9. Get up for the sunrise

Summer is the BEST time to become a morning person. So get up at the butt-crack of dawn and find the best spot (at home or at a local spot somewhere) to watch the sky become awash with sunlight for the day. Repeat as often as possible. And Instagram it (#nofilter).

10. Grow tomatoes

I did this! I did this last Summer! And I was rewarded with some deliciously sweet, plump heirloom tomatoes. Not many, because apparently my technique needs some work. But I googled some tips for growing them and it actually worked!

11. Set up a play pool (even if you don’t have kids!)

The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (4)

First of all, can we just take a moment to appreciate how frickin’ awesome this dragon play pool is!? When I discover something like this on Amazon I mourn a little because as an Australian, my Amazon shopping options are a lot more limited. Luckily I have Kmart. ANYWAY. Even people without kids can enjoy a relaxing dip in a play pool. I think this shaded play pool is brilliant for any age human. And even the family pooch can enjoy his own watery haven. If you do have kids, a play pool + a bunch of cute bath toys = a whole afternoon of entertainment.

12. Antipasto for dinner

Put together a yummy antipasto grazing platter with all your favourite meats, cheese and condiments, and enjoy it under the patio for dinner. Last Summer I was pregnant and couldn’t do this, so this is pretty much at the top of my Summer bucket list. Ha!

13. Go out for ice cream – or chase down the ice cream truck

Ice cream is one of Summer’s simplest pleasures, so enjoy it! Make an outing of it, or buy a cheap box of waffle cones and a tub of your favourite ice cream and enjoy an ice cream treat whenever the craving hits.

14. Take a bike ride

Get out in the fresh air and get your body moving… especially if you’ve been over-indulging in that ice cream we were just talking about. Wink wink.

15. Make popsicles with your favourite Summer fruit

The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (5)

Check out these recipes for gourmet popsicles or cheeky adults-only alcoholic popsicles, or simply puree your favourite fruit/s in your food processor and pour into popsicle molds. Greek yoghurt and honey optional! There are about a bajillion popsicle molds available on Amazon, but my personal choices would be the BPA-free one pictured above and these bright and colourful stick-free silicone popsicle molds. Or if you would prefer the convenience of not having to wait more than 7 minutes for your popsicles to freeze, pick yourself up a Zoku! These bad boys are pretty ripper.


Nothing is more quintessential Summer than a trip to the beach (or the pool if you don’t live near the coast). I try to get there as often as possible in the Summer. It can take a bit of effort, especially if you’ve got kids (I feel ya!), but once that sand is between your toes and the water is lapping around your ankles, it is bloody worth it.

17. Bake a peach pie

Or cherry. Or blackberry. The key is to pick a glorious in-season fruit and stick it in your face via a delicate, buttery pastry. Mmmm. This is probably one of my FAVOURITE annual traditions.

18. Enjoy some live music

Find a festival in your town, or even just the local markets, and enjoy the pleasure of listening to live music. Dancing optional.

19. Plan a staycation

If the funds won’t stretch far enough for a Summer get-away, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a break! I’m crazy about staycations. Check out my tips for planning a seriously awesome staycation.

20. Have a loaded s’mores party

Pick yourself up a second-hand fire pit on Facebook market, stock up on bulk marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers, and invite a stack of friends over. Instruct them to each bring an unconventional s’mores topping (fruit, candy, bacon, anything!) and go nuts with whacky s’mores combinations. Yummy!

21. Try a new hobby

Our heads are always a little clearer when the weather is sunny, and we’re a little more energised than usual. So capitalise on that and try something new! Take that pottery class you’ve been dreaming of trying for years. Buy bright, sunny-coloured yarn and a loom, and try your hand at weaving. Find a cheap guitar on eBay. Just do something fun. Even if you suck at it, it will still be pretty cool to have a go.

22. Eat watermelon

For a healthy, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free Summer treat, you can’t go past watermelon with fresh mint leaves and a drizzle of passionfruit. Seriously, I can’t over-state how damn good this is.

23. Try your hand at mixing co*cktails

This Summer I want to make my own mojitos! And sangrias! Summer is a great time to experiment with different drinks, so pick up a few spirits and go! This little co*cktail mixers kit would make a perfect starting point.

24. Plan regular trips to the local street food markets

Street food markets at night are SO FUN and SO YUMMY. The atmosphere is always so laid back and joyful. This was one of my favourite ways to eat out when my son was a toddler, because he loved sitting in his pram, tasting all the news foods, and watching all the people strolling around. But it’s probably even more fun child-free!

25. Grill some corn

YUM. Honestly, you could grill any vegetable just about. Zucchini. Red peppers. Mushrooms. Spring onions. There’s something magical about that grill flavour that just WORKS with fresh veggies. Oh, and haloumi. All the haloumi.

26. Run through the sprinklers

So ridiculous. So childish. So bloody fun though. Trust me.

27. Go wine tasting

Spend a day on a wine tour or just find a good wine bar to visit on a Sunday afternoon.

28. Watch fireworks

There are tons of occasions for fireworks in the Summer, so try to attend some at least once this Summer. Sure, we’ve all seen fireworks. But do you remember how it feels? That boom as they burst overhead? The way they seem to shoot colourful sparks right towards you?

29. Sleep under the stars

Go camping, or just pull some bedding out into the back yard for a special, magical night. Pick up a cheap beginner’s telescope if you really want to up your game. I know I do!

30. Wear a sun dress

I exclusively wear dresses so this is my everyday life in Summer. But if you’re more of a jeans and shorts kinda girl, this Summer bucket list item is for you, babe.

Now… didn’t I say something about a free printable?

Heck yes! If you love this Summer bucket list, I want you to have an easy way to refer back to it. So I put together a free printable version. Stick it on your fridge, pin it at your desk, or pop it in a standing frame by the side of your bed.

To grab your free printable, just enter your email address below.

The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (6)

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The question is… what are you going to tick off first?!

If you think this list is going to help make your Summer awesome, don’t forget to share it with your friends on Pinterest/Facebook/Twitter/etc by clicking the buttons at the very bottom of the post – or pinning one of the ready-made lists below straight to your Summer inspo board!

The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (7)
The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (8)

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on a wide range of topics. While I have personal experiences or preferences, I can provide factual information and answer questions based on available sources.

Regarding this article about summer bucket list ideas, I can provide information related to the concepts mentioned. Let's dive into each idea and explore them further:

1. Make real lemonade

Making real lemonade is a refreshing summer activity. It involves squeezing lemons and mixing the juice with water and sugar to create a delicious beverage. If you have a lemon tree, you can use the lemons from your own harvest. Lemonade can also be made using store-bought lemons. For tips on using an excess of lemons and limes, you can refer to the article mentioned in the source [[1]].

2. Have your friends over for a BBQ

Having friends over for a BBQ is a popular summer activity. It allows you to enjoy the outdoors and make the most of the longer daylight hours. You can gather a group of friends and grill various foods, such as burgers, hot dogs, vegetables, and more. It's a fun and casual way to socialize and enjoy good food together.

3. Take a lazy Sunday afternoon nap

Taking a lazy Sunday afternoon nap is a relaxing way to enjoy the summer season. With the warm weather and longer days, finding a comfortable spot, such as a hammock, and taking a nap can be a rejuvenating experience.

4. Smash the slides at the local water park

Visiting a water park is a classic summer activity. Water parks offer various water slides and attractions for people of all ages to enjoy. It's a great way to cool off and have fun with friends and family. Working at a water park can also provide a unique perspective on the experience, as mentioned in the article [[2]].

5. Lather your hair in coconut oil

Coconut oil can be used as a hair treatment during the summer to help replenish moisture and protect the hair from the effects of sun exposure. Applying coconut oil to the hair once a week can help restore natural oils that may be stripped away due to the summer weather. The article mentioned provides additional tips for taking care of your hair in the summer [[3]].

6. Go strawberry picking

Strawberry picking is a popular summer activity, especially in areas where strawberries are grown. It allows you to enjoy the outdoors while picking fresh strawberries directly from the fields. It can be a physically exerting activity, but it's a fun and rewarding way to gather farm-fresh strawberries.

7. Visit the drive-in theater or an outdoor cinema

Watching a movie under the stars at a drive-in theater or an outdoor cinema is a nostalgic and enjoyable summer experience. It offers a unique atmosphere and allows you to enjoy a classic movie while being outdoors. Packing a picnic dinner can enhance the experience.

8. Make chili sauce

Making chili sauce from scratch can be a spicy and flavorful summer project. It involves using fresh chili peppers and other ingredients to create a homemade sauce. The article mentioned provides a recipe for chili sauce [[4]].

9. Get up for the sunrise

Summer mornings can be beautiful, and getting up early to watch the sunrise can be a peaceful and inspiring experience. It allows you to witness the sky becoming awash with sunlight and start your day on a positive note.

10. Grow tomatoes

Growing tomatoes is a popular summer gardening activity. It can be rewarding to cultivate your own tomatoes and enjoy the taste of fresh, homegrown produce. There are various techniques and tips available for successful tomato cultivation.

These are just a few of the ideas mentioned in the article. If you have any specific questions or would like more information on any of these topics, feel free to ask!

The Ultimate 2020 Summer Bucket List (+FREE Printable!) (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.