Macmillan nurses - Clinical Nurse Specialist (2024)

‘I still find the most rewarding part of my role is being at the bedside during the last hours/days of a person’s life. I have always found supporting the patient along with the family an experience that is not only requiring but a privilege to do.’ – Steven, Macmillan Palliative Care Nurse

Often, people will say “Macmillan nurse” to mean a nurse who helps manage the symptoms of advanced cancer. Nurses that do this are called specialist palliative care nurses.

Some palliative care nurses are based in hospital. They may be called a palliative care clinical nurse specialist (CNS).

They see you if you are in the hospital as an inpatient. They are experts in managing your symptoms and medications. They will work with your key worker and other members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) to help plan your care in hospital. They may refer you to the palliative care team in the community when you go home.

Other specialist palliative care nurses are based in the community and visit you in your home. They work as part of a community palliative care team and may be connected to a hospice. They may have a different name, which might include the hospice they are attached to.

Community palliative care nurses work with your GP and district nursing care team to give specialist advice on:

  • treating symptoms
  • medicines
  • emotional support
  • other support you may need.

All specialist palliative care nurses, even if they are based in different places or are known by different names, have similar skills and knowledge. Their aim is to help you live as well as possible.

They are experts in controlling symptoms such as pain or shortness of breath. They can:

  • help manage your medications
  • help you plan for your future
  • arrange practical care and support if you need it
  • offer emotional support to you and the people close to you.

They do not usually give hands-on physical nursing care in the same way as hospital ward nurses or district nurses in the community.

In the video below, Andy talks about his experience of being a Macmillan Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Macmillan nurses - Clinical Nurse Specialist (2024)
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